Broadcasting at home

My mind has been blown today. Thanks to the time, effort and considerable talents of my colleagues in the Engineering Team at Cambridge105 Radio, I am now set up and ready to broadcast a radio show from home. I’m staggered that ‘little old me’ with my fairly modest setup at home now has this capability.

I always thought a home studio would involve thousands of pounds of equipment and all sorts of crazy technical know how that I just didn’t possess. Fast forward to 2020 and it’s possible with a microphone, a couple of cables and two computers (and a number of people answering my plethora of questions). This should be science fiction and yet it’s reality.

I shouldn’t really be as amazed as I am. 2020 has led to many pros across the radio industry broadcasting from home. I’m just thrilled that on Wednesday 30th December from 0930am, I get to join them (

Eventually, the goal is to have an incredible home studio, but for now, this corner of the spare room will keep me very happy indeed!

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